The Weekly Six – 4/30/10
3 min read
A quick hit on this week’s hottest topics: The Weekly Six. If you missed out on what’s been going on this week, tune in to read about the hottest topics on the net – or at least the hottest topics to us. This is your chance to feel free to agree or disagree. And without further ado, in no particular order, behold the six!
Gulf Oil Spill
The reports are just coming in, but this could be worse than the Valdez oil spill when all is said and done. The worst is yet to come as it is estimated that the entire fishing industry as well as gulf coast ecosystem might suffer long lasting effects of the oil that is destined to make its way towards the Louisiana shoreline. In other news, Kevin Costner was overheard talking about making the sequel to Water World where he will play a distant relative to Forrest Gump determined to find that last clean shrimp just so he can deliver it to one the lost tribes of Cajun.
Arizona Immigration Bill Passes
Whether you are for or against this bill really doesn’t matter. Arizona is your white racist uncle. They hated Martin Luther King Day. And now they hate Mexicans. Tomorrow they plan to pass a bill making it illegal to do complex math equations, thus making it illegal to be Asian in that state too. Good job Arizona. You are now the recipient of the Jesse James Award for the supremacy of whites.
GOP Loses Crist
Yes, you read that right. Governor Crist is now running as an independent in the Florida Senate Primary. Did you hear that? That was the sound of an old person choking on a hanging chad. If you thought the election in 2000 was wacky, imagine a state dominated by senior citizens getting even more confused with an independent on the ballot. I take that back, a lot of them are still registered as a part of the Bull Moose party and won’t remember who they voted for as soon as they exit the voting booth.
John Lennon makes $700,000 on A Day in the Life
It was one line, but it was a lyric that revolutionized the way that people would express themselves through music. On a piece of paper he wrote, “I’d love to turn you on.” Doesn’t sound like much, but it changed everything. Imagine. John Lennon makes more dead than he ever did alive.
Google vs. Facebook
This one was a hard one to see on the surface, but if you think about it, he who controls the search functions and how people interact on the net controls the world. And the seemingly small act of changing “links” on Facebook to “likes” has Google worried that Facebook is positioning itself to be the next search giant. Be afraid Google, it looks like you just got “defriended” by Facebook.
Bret Michael’s Hospitalized
Front man for the band Poison and most recently appearing on Celebrity Apprentice, Bret Michaels suffered a massive brain hemorrhage and was hospitalized. A man known for wanting “Nothing, But a Good Time” we would like to see nothing more than his speedy recovery. Get well, Bret. Here’s to Ya!