March 28, 2025

Circle Six Magazine

The Cult(ure) of Music

The Weekly Six – 5/7/10

4 min read
A quick hit on this week's hottest topics: The Weekly Six. If you missed out on what's been going on this week, tune in to read about the hottest topics on the net - or at least the hottest topics to us. This is your chance to feel free to agree or disagree. And without further ado, in no particular order, behold the six!

A quick hit on this week’s hottest topics: The Weekly Six. If you missed out on what’s been going on this week, tune in to read about the hottest topics on the net – or at least the hottest topics to us. This is your chance to feel free to agree or disagree. And without further ado, in no particular order, behold the six!


Blame It On the Greek

The Dow falls 1000 points and recovers slightly in a wacky day of trading on Thursday.  This is actually one of those times when America should be paying attention to the world market, but I assure you that we aren’t.  If this week proves anything at all, we may not even care what happens in our own country much less what happens outside its borders – well unless you’re Arizona and then you’re worried that the Mexicans are sneaking in to stab your family it its sleep.  Anway, all that we can really gather from this is that we’re supposed to blame the Greek economy for this one…but watch out, the unstable market is also looking to falter fairly soon with Spain’s debt as well.  I predict a lot more drops before it stabilizes again.  Hold on it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.


Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 opens to mixed reviews, but will undoubtedly crush everything in its path in the short term, thus ensuring that there will be a third movie.  But isn’t there always another movie regardless if the sequels are good or bad?  It doesn’t take much to top 100 million dollars if you’re a blockbuster these days.  Hollywood believes in the rule of three whenever possible, but make no mistake Hollywood also believes in the rule of four, five and six…and if you’re a franchise like Star Trek or Friday the 13th…now we’re just being ridiculous.


Say It Ain’t So, LT!

Arguably the greatest line backer of all time, Lawrence Taylor has had his share of trouble with the law, albeit his previous issues were drug related – this time his trouble is a little more problematic.  How problematic?  See Kobe Bryant and Ben Roethlisberger problematic.  Even if the allegations are convoluted and complicated by the fact that the teen was a probably a prostitute, there’s nothing more damaging to a reputation than an allegation of rape.  Even worse is that he is passed his prime and can’t go back and charm 100,000 screaming fans by breaking Joe Theismann’s leg all over again.  It’s been several years since being in that Jack in a Box commercial with Brian Boitano – but given your current situation you might just have to seriously ask, what would Brian Boitano do?


Lynn Redgrave Passes Away

She was one of those classy ladies that starred in all the “good” movies that you refused to watch.  Lynn Redgrave’s most recent accolade came in 1998 with an Oscar nomination for her role in Gods and Monsters.  Lynn passed away after a long battle with breast cancer. She will be missed.  We’ll see you in the memoriam segment of next year’s Oscars.



Robert Rodriguez just released his controversial trailer to his upcoming film entitled Machete and talk about timely.  Apparently it revolves around a day laborer who also happens to be a machete wielding hero who also embodies every stereotype that would help get the anti-immigration law passed in Arizona.  Yes, this is film, but the battle lines are being drawn and Rodriguez will ensure that it will be bloody.  The only problem with this is that Arizona really believes that the people crossing the border are here to kill us with knives except in Rodriguez’s version they will also invade our cities driving low riders.  If nothing else, the movie promises to entertain us.


Flood in Music City

I know that this is big news in Tennessee, but did anyone else miss the fact that Nashville was submerged?  Yes, it’s true.  And somehow it just wasn’t news enough to go national.  I mean with the oil spill and bomb scare in Times Square it became a minor tragedy…kind of like syphilis or mold spores…or The Decline and Fall of Western Civilization: The Metal Years being on VH1.  Really?  Maybe we need to take some time and recognize that this should be news too…or maybe it’s just answered prayers from Buffalo Bills fans who wished that the refs threw the flag on the forward lateral oh so many years ago.  Now I can’t say that’s why there was a flood, since I haven’t talked to God yet.  But then again, nobody asked Pat Robertson yet either so maybe it really was the wrath of God for giving us bad music.  Lets bow our heads and pray…


Until next week – C6M

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