The Weekly Six – 7/16/10
2 min read
A quick hit on this week’s hottest topics: The Weekly Six. If you missed out on what’s been going on this week, tune in to read about the hottest topics on the net – or at least the hottest topics to us. This is your chance to feel free to agree or disagree. And without further ado, in no particular order, behold the six! _____________________________________________________________________
The King Is Dead
George Michael Steinbrenner III died Tuesday of a heart attack at age 80. Love him or hate him (and oh, how I hated him), Steinbrenner revolutionized baseball with his shrewd ownership of the evil New York Yankees. In just under 40 years of ownership, Steinbrenner turned a $10 million team into a $1.6 billion juggernaut, bringing seven World Championships to the Big Apple. Somewhere, Billy Martin is smiling. _____________________________________________________________________
Cap Attack
For three months, black goo has been shooting up from the depths of the earth to fill the ocean waters with it’s viscous badness thanks to BP. Now it appears relief may be in sight as a cap has been put on the leak and seems to be holding. President Obama, in referring to the underwater gusher being halted, said this was, “Good news.” He also referred to fire as “hot” and the devil as “bad.” _____________________________________________________________________
This Is The Sound Of Crazy, Part II
Last week, we put up the audio recording of Crazy Mel’s racist rant against now ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva. Well that was nothing. The sequel is up and it’s even nuttier (and still NSFW) than before. Apparently, Mel wants his girl to just “smile and blow (him) because (he) deserves it.” That, and he has no problem killing her. Then he pants for a good five minutes like a senile rabid puppy. Pure unadulterated insanity.
Move Along, There’s Nothing To See Here
Steve Jobs (shown here trying to get reception on the new iPhone) held a press conference today to address the complaints that holding the new iPhone wrong will degrade the signal and ultimately drop calls. In a nutshell, he said that only a miniscule number of people are reporting problems and that the signal degradation problem happens on almost every other cell phone. Oh, and everyone who bought one can have a free case to fix the non-existent problem.
Full House (Party)
A Michigan man and woman were convicted Thursday of trying to extort $680,000 from actor John Stamos by threatening to sell compromising photos of Uncle Jesse doing coke and partying with strippers. Leave the man alone – should anything less be expected from the legend that fronted the band Hot Daddy & the Monkey Puppets? They would have had better luck going to a movie with Dave Coulier. _____________________________________________________________________
I so want to see this new Mel Gibson movie. Is it soft porn? I’m so glad that Darren Aronofsky and David Lynch finally joined forces.
Wow, now you have resorted to editing out comments.
Wrong article, Wally. Check the Six from last week.
Why would we edit out the best laugh we’ve had in months?
There was one here also. No big deal. I’m sure that it has happened before.