The Weekly Six – 9/10/10
3 min read
All week, we’ve been focusing on the scourge that is human trafficking. We’ve told you what it is and talked to people who are out there trying to change the world by eradicating modern day slavery. But as Paul mentioned in the conversation with Faceless International, if all we’ve done is enlighten you then we’ve failed. For a today’s installment of The Six, we’re going to tell you where to go from here.
Government Action
Governments should be leading the way in stopping human trafficking, especially given that every government has passed laws making slavery illegal. According to the US Department of State report, over 12 million people are currently being trafficked around the world. Almost 20,000 of those people are here in the United States. Your government needs to hear your voice. Call your Senators and Representatives and let them know what you think. Start filling out petitions as well. We recommend you start at
Community Awareness
Open your eyes and pay attention to what’s going around you in your own cities and towns. Watch for signs of trafficking. If you encounter anyone working against their will, afraid to speak or move freely, or being abused and threatened for refusing to work, contact the authorities. Step up and take the lead on making where you live a slavery free city.
Business Accountability
Slavery still exists because it’s big business. The best way to hurt those groups that would engage in trafficking is to hit them in the wallet. One big way to do that is to only buy products that are Fair Trade. Fair Trade means that farmers get a living wage for their crops so they can afford to send their children to school. It also means that they are less likely to be tricked into slavery.
Support Activism
There are several groups out there dedicated to stopping human trafficking and they need your dollars to keep going. Cut back on a few movies and send them a dose of financial encouragement. Here at Circle Six Magazine, we’re big supporters of Faceless International but groups like the International Justice Mission, Love 146, and Polaris Project are great as well. Do some research and support the group that you most feel strongly about.
Educate Yourself
You’ve already started down the path by reading this article and the others that we’ve posted this week. Now you’re screwed – you can never again to back to ignorance. Please don’t stop here. For your next step, we recommend reading one of the following: The Slave Next Door, Ending Slavery, and Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery.
Be The Change
The end of human trafficking ultimately lies within each one of us. It’s not only your voice that makes a difference but also the way you live. We want to challenge men especially. Pornography is a virus in our culture and has embedded itself throughout men (and women) of all races, religions, and occupations. Supporting any facet of the sex industry is akin to putting money in the hands of traffickers around the world. It begins with you – let it end with you as well.
Kudos to Circle Six for a fantastic week of coverage on this issue!
Thanks, Garrick!